Class 4 Questions: First Missionary Journey, Part 1

To set the scene for Acts 13, list at least three historical events recorded in the chapter.

READ ACTS 13:1-12
According to ACTS 13:4 who sent Saul and Barnabas on their way?

What role did Simeon, Lucius, and Manaen play in sending Saul and Barnabas?

Why do you think Paul called the Jewish sorcerer a “child of the devil”?

How is calling Bar-Jesus “a child of the devil” a play on words?

READ ACTS 13:13-43
Arrange Paul’s sermon to the Jews in Pisidian Antioch (not the Antioch where believers were first called Christians) into good news and bad news:

How would you characterize the response to Paul’s sermon?

What did Paul and Barnabas urge the believers to do (ACTS 13:43)?

READ ACTS 13:44-52
What motivated a number of Jews to oppose Paul and Barnabas?

In what three ways did the Gentiles respond when Paul and Barnabas turned to them?

What evidence can you find in these verses to support the belief that Satan, the one ultimately behind every opposition to the gospel, wants people of great influence on his side?

Look back through ACTS 13 and list all the places Paul went: