Class 5 Questions: First Missionary Journey, Part 2

READ ACTS 14:1-7 *
How did some of the Jews and Gentiles temporarily overcome their aversion to one another for a common cause?

How did God confirm the message of His grace?

How did Paul and Barnabas respond when they found out about the plans to mistreat and stone them?

After their experiences in Iconium, what did Paul and Barnabas do when they reached Lystra and Derbe?

READ ACTS 14:8-20 *
Why were bulls and wreaths brought to the city gates in Lystra?

Why did Paul and Barnabas tear their clothes in verse 14?

Imagine you are Barnabas, watching Paul being stoned.  What kinds of things might be going on in your mind?

READ ACTS 14:21-28 *
Why do you think Paul and Barnabas returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Pisidian Antioch on their way back to Syrian Antioch?

Paul and Barnabas appointed elders in each church before they departed for Pamphylia.  What evidences can you find to support the seriousness of these appointments? 

Paul and Barnabas had suffered and survived many things.  They had also performed miracles.  How did they resist any self-praise according to verse 27?

Based on Acts 13-14 what was Paul’s pattern of ministry? *

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